Older older

to the creatures of the above world

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Life is so fucking boring it is unbelievable. Reminiscing on those years of action this sodding vegetation is getting on my nerves. Part of it, I am aware, comes from the fact that I am no longer in school. Times when every single day of the week was packed with events are long gone. The amount of irresponsibility and shallowness I put into my minutes and hours now give me numerous panic attacks. I prefer not to get into all the meaning of life bullcrap yet I find myself thinking how that linear time we live by gets copied and pasted in new and newer sheets. My sheets of meaninglessness.

The street outside my window is packed with cars. I’m sitting right next to it – the window that is – almost glued to the radiator, my eyes hung on those cars in every parkway. There is one particular door that caught my attention. All of a sudden, literally in a moment of seconds, the street was lit up by a streak of light squeezing through open doors. I know, how can a streak light up a whole street, well, a part of it, but it can, it can..this light…stabbing the dark. So anyway, and then you would not believe it! Ten, fifteen young and old people rushed out through the door to one of the family cars, loaded and unloaded something from and into the car as I was writing this and were gone, were gone. ...They were all so..so…beautiful. White shirts, black trousers, suits, bloody red evening gowns, dresses, oh dresses but above all…their faces lit with eagerness, delight and comfort. It was one of those chemistry moments – literal chemistry – every human being a part of a formula, like atoms forming combinations unaware of their purpose but there to form it..this vision or should I say a glimpse, a cut out from the succession of images, was enough to drive me to tears but make me smile as well

You know how it feels…to rummage around in your head looking for familiar symbols and images, pictures even from your past, to apply them to present day events in order to make sense. Not a very bright or wise thing to do…not at all being a creative one who might one day give birth to a creative one…oh..my sister is online..gotta go

Almost forgot: Jocelyn is coming to England for a couple of weeks in January….how great is that!!!!!


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